The name Mumbai is derived from Mumbā or Mahā-Ambā—the name of the patron goddess (kuladevata) Mumbadevi of the native Koli community and ā'ī meaning "mother" in the Marathi language.
9 Reasons Why Mumbai Is Awesome
- If you see, a vada-pav wala makes more money than an doctor/engineer/acountant,You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, you can get food 24*7,You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, high class people also don't leave the Panipuri stall without asking the Sukhipuri,You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, Rikshawala's and Panwala's are more accurate than google map, You are in Mumbai.
- If you see , a chaai wala at Marine Line explain his struggle at 2'o clock in the morning , You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, a girl can move round alone at late night safety , You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, a breathtaking crowd of people , if poor lady always get a hand to cross the road ,You are in Mumbai.
- if you see , local train are full of crowd still you see people do struggle to get in,You are in Mumbai.
- If you see, people celebrating every festival with equal efforts and passion, You are in Mumbai.