
WHAT IS MUMBAI...? 9 Reasons Why Mumbai Is Awesome

 The name Mumbai is derived from Mumbā or Mahā-Ambā—the name of the patron goddess (kuladevata) Mumbadevi of the native Koli community and ā'ī  meaning "mother" in the Marathi language.

9 Reasons Why Mumbai Is Awesome

  1. If you see, a vada-pav wala makes more money than an doctor/engineer/acountant,You are in Mumbai.
  2. If you see, you can get food 24*7,You are in Mumbai.
  3. If you see, high class people also don't leave the Panipuri stall without asking the Sukhipuri,You are in Mumbai.
  4. If you see, Rikshawala's and Panwala's are more accurate than google map, You are in Mumbai.
  5. If you see , a chaai wala at Marine Line explain his struggle at 2'o clock in the morning , You are in Mumbai.
  6. If you see, a girl can move round alone at late night safety , You are in Mumbai.
  7. If you see, a breathtaking crowd of people , if poor lady always get a hand to cross the road ,You are in Mumbai.
  8. if you see , local train are full of crowd  still you see people do struggle to get in,You are in Mumbai.
  9. If you see, people celebrating every  festival with equal efforts and passion, You are in Mumbai.